Seed coating

Seed coating has been a reality for quite some time and it is known that its visual aspect is often the main factor in choosing between products and defining quality. The manual analysis done in mass in the industry is slow, biased and quite imprecise, greatly influenced by human subjectivity, as well as the difficulty of visualizing and identifying colors.

GroundEye is capable of performing an analysis based on a well-defined color system, with scientific and proven foundations. This guarantees accurate and reliable results for your product. Batches with variations in tones or coating defects will be evidenced through reports that can be generated for each analysis conducted.

Even the decision-making can be automated: it is possible to configure in the system the rules already used by your company or laboratory, so that the destination of that batch is already defined as soon as the last seed finishes being analyzed.

Both tray and conveyor belt equipment can be chosen according to your need. Static image equipment provides greater precision, thanks to higher resolution. But if the idea is to have a fast process, either due to batch size or high flow, video analysis may be the ideal solution.


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