Counting and measurements

Quantifying and measuring thousands of batches, containing millions of seeds, is a process that borders on the impossible to do manually. Many times it ends up being just an approximation, with high error rates and fluctuations in results.

Using GroundEye, this demand is transformed into something agile and simple. Every object placed in the equipment, whatever it may be, is identified and more than 300 characteristics are automatically calculated. Among them, important geometric measurements that are extremely useful for calculating TSW (thousand-seed weight) and electronic sieving.

Soybean seeds classified according to the sieve (intervals varying by 0.5 mm)

For R&D and academic areas, color, geometry, and texture features extracted from each seed provide a range of essential information for decision-making and in-depth studies on the analyzed species. The extracted data can be easily exported in convenient formats for subsequent statistical analysis in external software, for example.

Whether to save time and gain accuracy in laboratory analyzes or to be able to quantify thousands of seeds as quickly as possible for trials or storage, GroundEye is an indispensable tool for optimizing your processes. Schedule a time with the Tbit team to learn more!


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