Ears of corn

Addressing the challenge of automating and accelerating the evaluation of corn kernel index, Tbit® created ZeaEye: a portable equipment exclusively for this analysis.

Each ear of corn placed in the equipment to be recorded is photographed in four different positions, being rotated automatically. The goal is to have a complete visualization of each ear of corn, in 360°. The AI present in the system treats the kernels that may be repeated at the edges of each photograph.

When processed, each ear of corn yields its length, width, kernel count, and kernel index. This data can be exported in text or Excel format, optimizing subsequent use in other external tools. Each of the high-resolution photos can also be exported, ideal for use in presentations and other documents.

For further details on the equipment operation, click here and check the ZeaEye page on this website. Schedule a moment with us to learn more.


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